Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Bush Out Front

Those of you who have been clients for a while may vaguely recall the lovely crape myrtle tree out front that was mercilessly hacked down one weekend years ago, presumably by agents of the pizza shop manager next door who complained to me that it blocked views of his sign. The stump of the tree soldiered on, valiantly putting out suckers every spring, which my dear landlord faithfully kept trimmed into a semi-tidy bush.

A couple of weeks ago, an aide from Councilman Zine's office stopped by to talk about the "bush" and the need to remove it as the next step in the tree-planting beautification project along Ventura Blvd. We don't own the property it sits on (it belongs to the pizza shop/dental office building next door) so we can't give the final okay, but I told him we and every other business owner in the area that I knew of were eager to get a nice new REAL tree back in there.

Well, last weekend the bush/stump was removed. So I guess we are going to get our new tree one of these days pretty soon!